

16th March 2009


posted in General |

When Sarah Pilan appeared at the Republican Party Convention last fall,  The Bamacrats were caught flat footed. Surprised at her looks, TV presence, and  verbal skills they knew that she would have to be marginalized –  promptly. The task of character assassination of Sarah, her husband and her family fell to the Obama Adoration Choir  –  the Democratic dominated mass media.  And attack her they did. The word went out across the land  — “Destroy Sarah”, and to a large degree they succeeded. “No mercy, Babe.  Sorry”

Now we are at Chapter 2, and this time the target is Rush Limbaugh, who is a radio commentator slinging barbs at the Bamacrats. But this time, BamBam himself and his henchmen are personally   involved in delivering the message, “Destroy Limbaugh”. The attack is on, led by the Torquemada of the Bam Bam staff, Rahm Emmanuel.  Rush might be a tougher adversary than Sarah Pilan, since he has a devoted following of 20 million voters and also has access to the national airwaves every day….. and he can choose the agenda and ask very difficult questions.

In the spirit of openness, fairness and good government, Bab Bam may play his trump card and use the force of the Democratic Congress to force Rush off the air. Watch the public debate over the “Fairness” doctrine, but don’t let it fool you. Nothing Fair about it. Just using our tax dollars to negate the free speech comments of Rush. He won’t go down without a battle. But this is another example of BamBam “change”. If Rush gets in the way, “Destroy him”.

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