

8th March 2009


posted in General |

The love affair between the mass media and BHO continues as they confidently refer to possible events in his second term. Simultaneously they write off the REPs as disorganized and leaderless. Maybe so   —- but it is a long way until 2012 and a lot can happen in the interim.

A lot of GOP criticism centers on the lack pf big time top level leadership. At least superficially that would seem to be true. There is no powerful leader at the top of the Republican party, but there is no shortage of potential high grade candidates with political visibility, experience and style. Take your pick  –  Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Bobby Jindal, to name a few. They all have voter appeal, public service  experience, good TV presence, lots of growth potential, and are supportive of the same ideals. In short, they all can sing the same song. Their national visibility will only grow in the next 3 years. Right now, they might seem to be lightweights. But economic issues and foreign policy gaffes can easily become albatrosses around the necks of BHO and his accomplices. Today’s lightweights can become tomorrow’s heavyweights.

Think of it another way. When you look beyond BHO among Democrats, who do you see?? Anyone?? I think it is a bit premature to write off the REPs in 2012.  And forget about the Press Corp. They are hopelessly enamored with BHO. Their job will be to do the hatchet work on whoever emerges as the Rep front runner. All 5 of those listed above understand that implicitly, and I think all 5 (plus a few other possibilities) will be very prominent in the House elections of 2010.

In my view, if any of the lustre comes off BHO in the next 2 years, the outlook for the Dems becomes more iffy in 2010.  It’s still much too early to jump at conclusions.

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