

4th November 2008


posted in General |

Now that we are blessed (?) with the leadership of Bam Bam for the next 4 years, I am reminded that there are two types of Presidents. Do-ers and Talkers. Mr Obama did not rise to his present station based on a long string of achievements or accomplishments.  His track record is as transparent and shallow as a sheet of seranwrap. There is no record of “Do-ing” either in the Illinois phase or in the US Senate. He is a Talker  –  and a good one. Sometimes (Reagan, Churchill)  Talkers can become good Do-ers  –  but not very often.     Anytime a President depends largely upon his skills as a persuader he is skating on thin ice, especially in a age of wide-open communications in the mass media. Harry Truman got it right, “The buck stops here”. And remember, we are still cleaning up the messes of the last Prince of Glib.

In our political system in the TV Age, the best Pitch-man almost always wins  –  Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton— and so it is with Obama.  The game plan  —  “tell ‘em anything . The idea is to get elected. Explain it away later”.     A Uniter?
He deserves a chance, but keep your hands on your wallet. You can’t get tax money from people who don’t pay taxes in the first place.

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