

20th November 2002


posted in General |


     The Republicans are really on a roll. Not only did they gain control of the Senate and expand their majority in the House, but they also got Nancy Pelosi as the Democratic Minority Leader in the House. True, the Democrats elected her, but, given the chance, the Republicans would have picked her also.

     Ms Pelosi is a charming bright  lady who is a hard working fund raiser. She is also a far left San Francisco liberal. After all of the rhetoric dies down, she will have to face the hard task of uniting her far left buddies with the conservative “blue dog” Democrats who are philosophically much closer to George Bush. Nowadays, most politicians like to stake a claim in the “main stream” of American thought, but Nancy is nowhere near the mainstream; rather she is in the left side of the river, swimming in an eddy pool fed by left wing runoff. It would be foolish to underestimate her or to write her off too soon. But she can't have it both ways in dealing with her comrades. Unless the Republicans shoot themselves in the foot, she will have a tough row to hoe in dealing with fellow Democrats  –  much less the Republicans.

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