

10th October 2002



     On 9/11 my wife and I flew across the country from SFO to Savannah via Atlanta. Some of our friends thought we were either gutsy or nutty or maybe both, and I confess that we hade a few nervous moments enroute to the airport.  But we sailed thru curbside check-in and entered a 1/2 empty airport. No delay at the X-ray hand baggage check point. The flight was on time and the plane only 2/3 full. Nice flight. Security was ever present, but not obtrusive. AND…..  no raghead trouble at all.

     Along the way, there was evidence of random checks, but we were spared that selection delay. But  seeing a tall grey-haired septuagenarian in Salt Lake City removing his sneakers reminded me of the myopia that has seized Norman Mineta, our Secretary of Transportation. He is so blinded by the Nisei experience of WWII that common sense eludes his mentality. In the aftermath of 9/11, if there ever was a case for profiling, it is now. What on earth is there to be proven or achieved by singling out aging Norwegians while scruffy looking ruffians who can't speak English zoom through. And we are paying thru the nose for all of this. Norman ought to go  — quietly or otherwise.

    All in all, the trip was about the same as we have experienced in the past, but it is clear to me that air travel will never be quite the same. The size of the security problem is immense  –  as illustrated by the thousands and thousands of people milling about and traveling thru the Atlanta airport. Tight security will change the odds, but will not totally eliminate the possibility of major mischief. But taking the long view, traveling inherently carries danger. Nothing is 100%.

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