

6th June 2002


posted in General |


     Late afternoon is a nice time of day at our house. Sitting in my favorite chair, I scan the newspapers, idly watch the news on TV and enjoy a cocktail while anticpating still another super meal being prepared by my wife who is an excellent cook. It can't get much better than that.

     Then my tranquillity was broken by three telephone calls from tele-marketers. One was to re-finance my home, the second was to give me a special vacation deal in the Caribbean and the third was to manage my IRAs. I know I can stop these calls by Caller ID, but I really hate to isolate myself from the rest of the world. What really irritated me about these three unwelcome calls was that the callers had heavy accents and I had a hard time  understanding what they were pitching. It's a helluva note to sit in your own home and be hustled for something you don't want by someone whom you can't understand. I don't know whether the accents were Swahili, Urdu, Cambodian, Guatamalan, or Farsi  –  and it doesn't matter. For the life of me, I can't understand why someone desiring to sell something would hire sales people who can even speak english clearly. The chances of me showing any interest in that type of sales approach are about the same as Castro embracing capitalism and apologizing to George Bush. As a kid, I remember the words of our neighborhood baker, Andy Pasquini, who said, “I didn't come to this country to be an Italian; I came to be an American”. If people come to this country, the least they can do is learn the language.

     The calls didn't ruin my evening, and the salmon dinner quickly changed my perspective. I know these callers can barely speak english  –  but I wonder if they understand four letter words. 


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