

25th April 2002


posted in General |


     Religion is always a touchy subject. Years back, folks indulging in social dialogue were admonished to stay clear of (or be discreet in commenting about) sex, religion, and politics. Nowadays you have to wade through all three just to get to sports and the weather. Religion is is the forefront now, and it is indicative that the troubles of the US Roman Catholic Church have pushed the “Murder for Allah” guys off the front page.

     The American RC church has major problems  –  bigger that most can appreciate. Now is the time when cries for “reform” might be heard, but not from the current Pope. He is aged, seriously enfeebled and solidly inflexible when it comes to significant reform. That will have to wait for the next guy.

     Priests, Ministers and Rabbis are the recipients of an enormous amount of trust from the members of the flock. For priests to betray that trust and commit such unspeakable acts defies comprehension. It is one thing for such acts to occur, but it is even worse to learn that the incidents were known, the facts covered up, and the victims paid off under a cloak of secretive non-disclosure. That says that several layers of the heirarchy “knew”. So now the high clergy are talking about “one strike and you are out”. In cases of pedophilia, or predatory sexual abuse, that kind of decision is a no-brainer. It isn't a metter of church discipline  –  it's a matter of the law. And withholding or concealing information is also against the law. But it all depends upon how individual acts are “labeled”. What if the odious actions are described as “improper conduct” or “unacceptable behavior” or “actions in violation of church rules”.  Is it “three strikes” or “ball four”  –  a free pass. You would think that the church would understand that the proper treatment of chocoholics is not transferring them to the candy store acoss the street.  Anyway, legal obligations and garish publicity will compel actions on the most serious trangressors.

     But when the RC leaders convene in Texas in June, they will face an even more imposing challenge  — what to do about homosexuality. The Church is four square in opposition to homosexuality  –  since it does not accept, condone or support it in any way. Yet it is there  –  pervasively. Does the church change its stance on homosexuality?  Does it purge its ranks? Does it deny entry? Or does it maintain an official stance and then wink at it? As one former priest has said, “When you are behind the wall of the RC Church, it's like being in the biggest “closet” in the world, and there is no need to “come out of the closet”. Deciding whether there is a link between homosexuality, pedophilia, or predatory sexual abuse begs the question. This is a religious decision of major magnitude for the RCs.

      And that leads to the $64,000 question  –  celibacy. Almost five hundred years ago, Martin Luther tacked his 95 theses on the church door and lit off the Reformation. Maybe this time it will only take someone tacking a short comment onto one Church door, “Celibacy doesn't work”. Consider that over the past 15 years there have been a large number of priests who have given up “the cloth”. The reason cited by 95% of them was “to get married”. I think there is a message there  –  one that should be heeded by the RCs. Change comes about for various reasons, but change occurs. The Church is not immune.  

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